Sunday, May 1, 2011

Has It Really Been a Year?

Poppies growing on the grounds of the coliseum in Rome.   
Today is one year since I began writing this blog.

Thank you to Lisa of the Faces of My Family for her encouragement and promise of help if I needed it. It was the shove I needed to begin.

Writing this blog has been a soul satisfying experience for me.  It has helped forced me to organize small snippets of my family's history since organization of the entire mess is beyond me.  I have connected with unknown cousins and reconnected with lost ones . . . . some just in time.  I have a renewed sense of family. It has been emotional and incredibly fulfilling for me.  I have discovered that I love to write, even if I have to "wordsmith" a post to death before it sounds like me.  I appreciate the encouragement of those who read my blog, whether we are related by blood or by our passion for family history. 

I haven't run out of ideas yet, but time is always at a premium so I am not a prolific blogger.  Today I am writing this with a box of tissues at my side, waiting for my husband to bring me some cold medicine from the store.  My lap is full of papers to grade, but the sun is shining, - no common occurrence in northern Indiana - and I take an occasional break to surf the internet looking for places to stay this summer when I will take my granddaughter on a long promised trip to London and Paris. 

Happy blogiversary to me. . .


  1. My thanks to Lisa, as well. It's been a great year! Here's to many more.

  2. Happy Blogoversary to you! Time, or lack thereof, really seems to be a problem for a lot of us, but I look forward to reading more of your posts when you get the chance! :)

  3. And what a wonderful blog you have . . . Congratulations on your blogaversary.

  4. Happy Blogoversary - you have an outstanding blog, and I hope you continue to write about and enjoy family history.

  5. Happy Blogoversary Margel!!! I look forward to many more years of reading and enjoying your wonderful blog.

  6. Hey Margel--
    A great accomplishment to reach your first blogversary! I've been delighted to get to know you and your family through your blog and find the photo venue we share from the past. It was really fun -- and thanks for dropping by and commenting

  7. Time has gone by so fast - or perhaps I discovered you more recently than I realized. Congratulations on a year, Margel! I'm so glad that you haven't run out of ideas: we'll have more to read this year!

  8. Margel is one year old!

    Way cool...keep on blogging, I love your finds and perspectives.

  9. Thank you for all of your kind words. I investigated making a book of my first year, but it was going to cost me $75 - with that money, I could buy the pension record of Isaac or David B. instead.
